Jan 1 2020

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Web Design and Web Development

The world of technology is overrun with artificial intelligence (AI). It seems you can’t get ahead in such industries as smartphone technology, mobile apps, robotics, or social media without having a vast knowledge of AI. However, it seems the most significant industry being affected by AI is website design and web development. Before we can … Continue reading “How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Web Design and Web Development”

Dec 1 2019

What is MySQL? A Beginner’s Guide

“Hey, I need you to compile a list of the most popular items in the last 80,290 transactions in our stores from March 2018 to May 2019 and I need it done by this Thursday.” Your supervisor requests of you. Whew! This seems like a lot. Don’t panic. They hired you for a reason. You’re … Continue reading “What is MySQL? A Beginner’s Guide”

Nov 1 2019

6 Best Practices to Optimize WordPress Database

If your business isn’t on the internet, chances are, in this day and age, it doesn’t exist. These days, your business needs to be on a website and a quickly loadable mobile application. Let’s be real, people are very quick to dismiss a mobile app or website when it does not load within seconds or … Continue reading “6 Best Practices to Optimize WordPress Database”

WordPress Mobile Friendly Responsive

Oct 1 2019

How to Make a WordPress Website Mobile Friendly and Responsive

If you think that mobile internet use is the future of online activity, you’re right. But you should know – the future is now! If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you might be missing out on making connections and sales no matter how great your product, service, or resource is. Fortunately, if you use WordPress to … Continue reading “How to Make a WordPress Website Mobile Friendly and Responsive”

Sep 1 2019

5 of the Best Caching Plugins for your WordPress Website

If you own or publish a website, you should be aware that speed and performance are as important as the content you deliver. One of the tools utilized to improve page loading speed is caching. In this article, we’ll explain what caching is, and why you need to use it. Specifically, we’ll discuss the resources … Continue reading “5 of the Best Caching Plugins for your WordPress Website”
